Selecting an accountant is a decision that has far-reaching consequences for you and your business. What role do you want the CPA firm to play in your organization? We find the best relationships are those in which the CPA firm becomes your partner in helping achieve your goals. Select the CPA that you would want to call at any time for business advice. Talk to the CPA firm’s clients, especially those who have been clients for a long time. The reasons why they continue to retain the firm will give you insight into how the firm operates. Talk to the people who are in a position to see the firm’s work. Bankers, bonding companies, attorneys, and others who review your financial statements are all good sources of information. Visit the offices of the firms you are considering, meet the partners and staff who will be working on your account. Above all, select the firm that represents an investment in your future – that has the stability and the resources to help you succeed.

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